

I was never so happy as I am with you 

It's damned cold out.. Why is it the moon and stars are always the most gorgeous when it's so freezing? It's very bothersome.. tricking me into going on walks and freezing my face off..

So. I've been keeping a journal in "the real world" instead of here.. I think it's helped me, because I do end up censoring myself here. There was a bunch of stuff I had to get out, and the journal was just what I needed. I also started learning a new written language, one of rachel's. So my whole journal is in a "code" ..which is probably a good thing, since it's in a notebook I bring to school every day.

Hmm.. so, districts went fairly well. I think choral reading was pretty lucky that the judge looked past all of our mistakes, and I'm excited about state. Also, apparently madwoman went pretty well, though we were expecting a 2 because of the wonderful judge. I didn't get to see very many groups.. but I got to see almost everything at night of theater so that made up for it.

Speech has been a happy thing for me. It's been something to be involved in, and it's doing something I love. Yes, I love theater, I'm just scared to death of it.. I've gotten to know some people better, and feel much more comfortable around others.. a very happy thing. I made a cheesecake tonight for a choral reading cheesecake buffet party thing, which should be great. Combine a party, lots of cheesecake, and fun people; what could go wrong? ...I won't answer that.

I don't know what to do for individuals.. I really want to do something, but I have no idea what I could do. Hucke suggested acting, rachel suggested a literary program, I'm suggesting anything other than the really main ones.. I'll take other suggestions? Possibly a suggestion of an actual piece to do, not just a category? Ah well, this is incentive to read more and find something..

I'm really happy with my tag project, even if it hasn't been coming along quickly. Everything's starting to come together, which is awesome. We finally found and learned the dance, and I'm dragging Jennie to an Irish dance class on saturday. We got to steal people from studyhall to teach them the dance in Hucke's empty classroom, and we're going to do it again soon. ^^ We have a freaky little conversation written up in gaelic, and we're learning how to pronounce it. I get to yell "May the cat eat you and the devil eat the cat!" and do a hunger dance! I think I'm getting my way with the heavy-object throwing games. *evil laughter* And when I have nothing to do in class I get to research the religions and culture of old Ireland! woot. Jennie seems to think I should present something about it.. but she'll be singing instead.

I should have gone to bed an hour ago, but now works also.. I have quite a bit more to write, but I'll do that later.

He had the eyes of a painter, heart of a maker of song. ~#~

Fragments drifting down from the sky.. 

Katie had problems with her template and had to change her blog, the link goes to the correct place.

I know I haven't really posted in.. a very long time. I will soon, truly.

The realm is coming to take me away. ~#~

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