

By golly! 

I'm going to do it, I'll make myself try out for the play. *nervous glance* That's as far as I'll go on that one..

In other news: I finally got all of the posters up without using my ceiling! Woot! Jenn made this spiff picture showing off our greatness... http://www.ppss.silversorcerer.com/art/rival.jpg (Go there! Go now!) And Bill's finally back from vacation so I get to start art classes again tomorrow! I had a comic going and I was thinking of putting it up on a site I'm making, not sure I will anymore.

To thrill with all the sweets of life is living.

I think I'm going to turn out my lights and light all of my candles.. It's strange what the light of a candle will do to me. (No, I don't turn into a monster. ^^;;) I want to have a room devoted to my candle obsession when I'm rich. Because I'll be rich and I can. It's almost like the stars.. Just go and sit in the middle, hope you don't catch on fire, and watch the little flames blinking at you.. (My mood? Reflective.)

To the icecream truck, away! ~#~
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