

A day worthy of pie 

I had a perdy good day today! (including last night.) Last night we (Molly and I) were at Evan's house with some other people for a "sit-around-playing-games" thing. I kind of sat there during most ..scratch that.. ALL of it. It was fun listening to them talking though >.>; Molly was on the computer across the room for most of it, and she was having eye troubles.. We played amplitude, and then Xenogears. (w00t to the amplitude ^^)

If you actually want to hear about it, Molly wrote about it in her journal. The names are kind of easy to figure out, if you think on it, so don't let it bother you. ^^ She did go a little overboard on the sex thing. (poke to you mole)

I can't go on without you.

Well we had to leave there at 11, then we came back here and sat around eating mexican food until around 1, when Molly went to sleep and I left the room to watch cheesy spanish sitcoms. Got up around 9, way to early for me. Then we watched Alice in Wonderland! *happy* (Disney movies are even better once you understand more of the jokes in them. *g*) ..And we made pie! (mmm, le tarte.)

Not a can of nut.

I have all these things I say and think that I should write down before someone else uses it. But I never get around to it until it's too late and people end up thinking I'm using someone else's quote, which I rarely do. For some reason that bothers me..

I'm kind of bored right now.. If anyone would like to do something this weekend then let me know? I'll try to get people to do something, but if I miss asking you then.. yeah.

It could be right there, if you're going there. But if you're not going there, it could be anywhere.~#~
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