

Feel the loss 

So I'm sitting here, thinking about things. Here are a few things I thought about.

"If I knew how to use a sword one of my goals in life would be complete."

"I wish I had an orange soda right now."

"I'll get grounded if I don't clean my room soon."

"Where can I find a space for my X wallscroll?"

....And then it dawns on me.

"CRAPPER! Where did I put my ornamental grass!?" (Yes, in case anyone read that post, my grass DID get 4 inches tall. At one point.) ...So I go looking all over in my room and I finally look under my bed, who knows why I even thought to look there, and there's my grass. It was still kind of alive, too. Kind of.

Every single piece of grass was about a centimeter tall, and yellow. *sniff* The grass I'd watched grow from just a seed, gone, forever. I'll never watch you run, hair blowing in the wind, free, again. Sure, I'll have other plants.. Like that cactus I'm trying to get to sprout.. But it'll never hold the same "special" quality as my first freaky little ornamental grass thing that was left on my doorstep in a box holding a card that read, "Soak in water for 24 hours, then plant." No, they will never have your magic.

"Normal" what is normal; the usual condition, amount, level, etc.

On another note, I'm not sure what to do for tag. I can't write a story, so I thought I'd design something. But what? *ponders*

"Eros" the Greek god of love

Still don't know what I'm going to be in the Odyssey. The least I can say about it is that Scott's making it... interesting. Had a dream about the play last night, it was something resembling three main people doing some dance routine in tight, shiny clothes; while a few other random people in hats and colorful hair chucked paint at us. Right'o. As it turns out, the neon wigs really look like the hair of the people that were doing the chucking.

Not for children under two years of age. ~#~
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