

Good for the soul. 

I really should get out to cons more often. AI was kawaii. (Well I though it was, except the ugly parts. ^^;) Maybe not as good as bigger cons, but it was just what I needed. I came back home this afternoon and I feel like I’m in a daze; like I’ll wake up tomorrow, jump into my costume, and run over to the con to mix with the other "it’s a good kind of obsessed" obsessed con-goers. I’ve decided that I need to get to Otakon, Ubercon, Comicon, San Diego Comicon, and Dragon*Con before I start college.

It’s nice to know there’s somewhere you can feel completely at ease in a room of strangers while you’re taking a picture of some Vash in boxers with "Glomp me, I’m Naked" written on his chest. ..Er, maybe I still felt strange about that one. Actually, there were lots of people that were Vash. *evil grin* There was one Vash that had a sign on that read, "Glomp the hot Vash!" …Strangely enough, people went around calling him "Hot Vash" after that. Then there were two I like to call "That Other Vash", and two girls that were Vash. <.<; There was also… CARD CAPTOR WILL! Booyah.

I’d give up everything just to find you.

Molly and I met a "new friend" while we were there, his name is Dean. We met him while we were waiting for Jenny to get picked up. (*cry*) Dean doesn’t even really know what anime is, but he’s nice. Dean had a couple friends that dragged him there, I’m not sure they knew about anime either, though. His friends said that dean "likes" us. Right’o.

He doesn’t give a damn about me. (I think it could be time for me to explain that these little one-liners don't have anything to do with the other stuff I'm talking about at the time. They're just little quotes that reflect how I feel.)

...Aaaand, here's a little pile of info that I don’t feel like going into detail about: The DDR party rocked my socks, the consuite was god, amv’s were koot, cosplay was great, improv could’ve been better but mole got to be in it so what the hell, there are no words to explain being in the dealers room again (even WITH the line), and the fact that there were no Auron’s made the whole thing complete. Starting to plan for next year soon.

Ducktape flavored pocky! (P-2 D-17) ~#~

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