

I'll be starting over I guess. 

You know how it feels when you're so overcome by emotion that it hurts? When it's like you heart has decided to stop beating so it can grow to a painful size just to spite you? Like, say, when someone you care about lets you know they don't, and probably never will, feel the same way about you. Or when someone brings back feelings you thought you'd moved past. Gar, I feel like shit right now.. -.-

I feel like shit.. That's a really human thing to say. I'm such a human.. I mean, come on, how do we know shit feels terrible? Shit could be happy for all we know, but we just have to go and say that shit feels bad. If i went around and said, I feel like grass!? no one would give a damn because for all they know I'm happy. I hate humans and all their human-like presumptions.

Feeling like grass right now. ~#~
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