

There goes my summer. 

Well summer's basically over for me today. I'm really trying hard to drag it out until tonight, but no one seems to wish to hang out with me and Jenn. Maybe we'll go do something "interesting" like trying to find the paths in the woods at the park or going up to the roller rink. I doubt it.

Small things like that mean alot to me, as it's taken me a long time to find out. I'm not sure why I didn't get that before, I should have, everyone starts treasuring the small things at some point.. I think I realized it when I was camping with molly. One night we went out into the "tent camping" area, the one without power and were lying in this little sand playground area watching the sky. I kept thinking about how huge the sky was and how I could see the seeming curve of the sky, even though we were surrounded by trees. It brought two things up in me: the need to watch the stars with everyone I ever care about, and the childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.

Anywho, if anyone that knows me reads this and would like to do something with us then that'd be great. If it's not today, we can work that out too. Please? We can have fun.. Or be bored in a group.. *sneef*

And they bowed their heads in wonder and cried Bring forth the boxing nun! ~#~

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