

There's a certain kind of look.. 

That kind of look you get when you're rollerblading along in the street pushing an empty stroller. I got that look alot this morning and I wasn't even the one with the stroller. It's not like I could have NOT NOTICED if there had been a baby in there and it had fallen out, but it seems that was what people were trying to tell me. That shows the faith Fairfield people have in others.

I found out today that when my neighbor shaves his head his hair is the color W. Little kids are the best, unless you're trying to get them to take a nap. Jade rocks my socks. (I'm over at her house right now with Jenn, playing Rhapsody and Amplitude. Both interesting games, just so you know.) Jade's aunt is telling her that if she wanders around her room instead of sleeping then leprechauns will eat her feet and the kids at her daycare will go around calling her stumpy. What a nice aunt. ^^

Last night I went on a long walk; it was nice besides it being so hot. I love wandering around at night because if you meet people then they're usually interesting. When I was wandering around town last night a car full of people drove by me and screamed "Woo Kelsey! It's Kelsey!! Hey Kelsey!" at me. I have no clue who they were, and it's happened to me a few times now. Normally I would scream back at them something in the vicinity of, "Who the fuck are you people and what do you want from me?!" But I had to be nicer than that, seeing as there are people trying to sleep when it's midnight. >.>;

I've decided I'll stop staying up until three in the morning, seeing as that's when I usually have my "depressed" and "hyper" mood swings that I could really do without. Now, since I've decided that.. I can most likely be contacted every day until 3 AM on the computer, being moody and/or hyper. At least until school starts. Possibly after.

Their name was mervin, they were a showgirl. ~#~
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