

They say copying is the greatest form of flattery. 

Well Rachel and Keith and Mary are over right now, Mary brought her laptop and she's playing some game or another. Jenny's dyeing her hair red for AI nextdoor, right now, and she'll come over and scare us in a while. I still don't have a costume, but I DO have homework. I think I'll be people from comics. Actually, I'll be someone. I'll figure it out. If you go to AI and see me then you should guess who I am! Woot ^^ Such a strange time in my life right now.. Like molly said, "I'm good at masking my emotions."

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

I think I might be remembering how to do french. Maybe. Or rachel is remembering... <.< >.>; I got to wear my 1up shirt today, which made my day better. And I have quite a few people I know in my p.e. class. School is too hot, so I hope they're right that it'll start cooling down in a couple days.

Why are you reading a piece of peanut brittle? ~#~
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