

Baith de mo croi 

"Love, whom we fight but never conquer,
Love, the ravager of proud possessions
Who keep eternal vigilance
In the softness of a young girl's cheek,
You go wherever the wide seas go
And among the cottages of country-dwellers.
None of the immortal gods can escape you,
Nor man, whose life is a single day,
And, to whoever takes you in, comes madness."

I had a hard time sleeping last night. Fell asleep easily enough around 11, but I woke up around 1, then again at 2, and 3, 3:30, then I couldn't get back to sleep. So I've been up for a while. I'm listening to a subway ad with some lady singing about how she "likes it hot" ..Yeah, lady, I don't wana hear about that. ("Oooooooh the spicy beans!")

I've been thinking lately about alot of things in my life.. Not many people actually know me, I've hidden myself away and became shy along with that. It might've been losing more then one best friend for no reason at all, they just decided to stop being my friend. I've tried to come up other reasons for it but nothing else comes to mind. I'm trying to get away from being shy though; heck, that I actually tried out for the play is a huge step for me.

Arg, It's starting to get light out.. Soon it'll be time for me to go take a shower and run off to school, joy of all joys.

Looking through a glass onion. ~#~
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