

Before I'm gone 

Late start tomorrow! *grin* That means.. I wake up an hour later and have no more time than usual. And we get 36 minute classes! Whee! I wonder if I'll have to dress out for p.e.? Hope not.

If I could hold you in my arms..

Well play practice is getting.. er.. well it's not exactly seeming to get very much of anywhere. Maybe people with lines know where theirs are? Maybe it's still to early to tell, actually.. it IS too early to tell. We kind of know when we come on. Maybe we'll figure out when we go off soon.. Slechtasizing tomorrow, bring your happy kill-me-now face! ..and one and two and three and four..

I see you in my dreams..

I feel like getting together with people this weekend. I have a list of "fun" things to do which goes something like.. friends, chocolate, moon, videogames, mushmows, random disney movie, and if molly feels like contributing some.. pocky. Still adding to that.

I sadly yearn to tell you all.. unfettered, soul to soul, face to face..

My head feels like it's being cracked open, which isn't a good thing. Maybe I won't stay up that much later than usual.. hr.. hrm.. *bursts into pained laughter* Right. It's weird that I can't get to sleep at a normal time, normal being before 11. Really, that's normal. But I'm just naturally awake at night.. x.x

Who will save me?

Guh.. I have to walk tomorrow I think.. I don't know how long it takes me to walk to school.. Maybe I can find a ride.. Meep.. Dun't wana be late.. Actually, I just haven't cared about school stuff lately. I didn't even listen in algebra2 yesterday, didn't do the homework, and I haven't thought about the chapter project.. The only class I even like is art, and I'd like english if the people in my class even cared about what they were reading. Motivation for going to school at all? Before school time, lunch after "eating", people in french, and non-checked internet time in tag. And a few people in general, but that's not talk-about-able

Someday soon. ~#~
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i tripple choholate pocky