

Everyone look at me, I'm going to blog! 

Wow, a tag update. Isn't this original? Have we seen this somewhere else? Naw. I'm bored beyond all reason, even though I'm kind of researching something I care about. Jennie doesn't think I should be writing in my blog, that I'm wasting class time.. But I really don't feel like doing anything right now. Jennie and I are going to work all year (ALL YEAR) on this gaelic festival thing and have it near the end of the year, out of school.. So if you want to come you can. She's obsessing over the gaelic language right now, because I'm being a pessimist about it. I was all worked up about getting to do research on gaelic history, but I was pushed into doing this because I couldn't come up with a project. Gar.. back to "research" I suppose..

May the cat eat you and the devil eat your cat. ~#~
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i tripple choholate pocky