

Grave lights 

So Molly had a breakdown too, seems like it's happening to lots of people lately.. Has school started a new level of stress? Has it been adding up for a long time? Why?! "Why are you depressed?" isn't a good question to ask someone. Most of the time they're not sure, or it's a mix of alot of things.

Anywho, I went over to Mole's house, luckily her parents weren't home, and we went for a walk. We just walked around a block and talked about random things, then she got a call that she had to get ready for bed, so I had to leave. Almost a full moon, there's one tomorrow. It's really nice out right now.

As I was driving home I was watching the graveyard. It's really strange at night.. Every so often there's a grave with a little lantern-like thing in front of it glowing softly. Pretty creepy. But, then again, I think anyone who wants their body to go rot in a box in the ground once they're dead is creepy, too. Cremation all the way, baby. Boo-yah.

...Then I got to thinking about who the people actually were. Like that skeleton in science. Who was it? Did they really want their skeleton to be stripped of flesh and hung in a classroom? I suppose they did. ...And then I thought about death. It was a long thought time, so I won't go into it, but it was interesting. And then I listened to the Beatles! Yay Beatles! *strawberry fields forever...*

Songs of sorrow, drifting thick as morning fog. ~#~
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