

Love be with you 

I am no warrior,
I am not brave,
I am no preacher,
I cannot save,
I am no leader,
I can't show you the way,
I am a deceiver,
I'll lead you astray.

I have this bothersome cut on my knee, it's getting all puffy and I'm not sure what it's from. I've been thinking about it for a couple days, wondering where it came from. Today was a weird day, but I think I'm over my freaky emotional-breakdown thing. I broke down in school.. I had a really bad headache and Chapman started bitching at me about something and I just lost it.. Started crying, said I needed to go to the nurse and she fucking ignored me and started handing out papers. Then I ended up seeing tons of people I'd rather not have while I was walking through the halls. At least I ended up going home.. But I feel like I'm actually over it all now! Finally! *relief* But I have to make up the mile, and I missed play practice.. Ah well.

I've updated alot today. o.O;

When things are different I'll know better than to try. ~#~
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