

Spin, spin, spin 

..lalalala la lala!

I got more sleep than usual last night; I slept in to a whopping 6:40! AAH!! It scared me half to death, but only half. Now it's time for me to be at school.. And guess what? I am at school! Go me! I'm sitting next to someone that's sending an email full of "smiley central" smiles to a bunch of people.

Gar! I just remembered what I was so mad about yesterday! A couple people in my intro to art class were talking, loudly, about how stupid and "gay" both LOTR movies were. DIE FOOLS!! They were talking about how they fell asleep, talked through the whole thing, were asked to leave, and were happy about leaving. About how golem was the the stupidest thing anyone had ever thought up. About how they don't see how the upcoming movie could be worse than the last two, but that they thought it would manage it anyway. I would have said something, but it would have been loud and inappropriate for school.. *clenched fists* must.. not.. strangle.. Anywho, school soon and I have to do some homework..

Five fun ways to modify a human. ~#~
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