

There are places I remember all my life 

If I could put music into this I'd put the beatles song "In My Life" ..I love it.. I think it might be my favorite song, not just favorite beatles song. I can't think of a way to describe how it makes me feel, but it's a great feeling. The whole song, not just the lyrics.

In my life I've loved them all.

Flying, falling.. I've been having a good week so far. I'll include last weekend in this, starting off my week happily. Then I've either been having a good week, or I'm not caring what's happening in school. ..Hoping it's not the latter, that would mean I'm probably not having a good week. But I've had people to smile at, and poke, and lean on! It has to be good!

Sit beside a mountain stream - see her waters rise.

So I slept in this morning, and I'm thinking of actually doing it again tomorrow, on purpose. I washed my hair, so that's out of the way.. If I do sleep I imagining it'll crack me up so that when I get up I'll be laughing a bit loudly.. Making my family think I'm more crazy than usual. WOO! Even more incentive! (Seriously, I'm laughing right now at the thought of me sleeping in.)

In my life I love you more.

My hair's being spiffy tonight! It's all soft and shiny and it's not getting tangled.. (or at least it's softer, shinier and less tangled than USUAL...) Happy happy happy! *runs her fingers through her hair* It'd be nice if it lasts for tomorrow. My hair always kills me during school, the evil hair that it is. Someday it won't be the boss of me! I will win this war! GWAAAR! *...cough*

A knock on the door of sanity. ~#~
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