

When you won't tell yourself the truth 

I worked a the gem show today, 12 - 3, longer than I thought I'd have to.. It was extremely boring, the only events of my time there were Gregory coming and talking to me, and some lady with a feathery hat leaning over the table to whisper about Pasty Cline in my face and then taking a tape player out of her purse and trying to play a tape for me. If I'd only had chairs at my table then I could've talked to Gregory and Davey for more of the hour and a half (? ) they were there. No one else that I knew came.

When it all amounts to nothing in the end.

My parents went to a concert tonight, so I took a walk. I ended up going to obi nelson and sitting on a swing for about 45 minutes thinking about stuff I should've done differently in life, things I missed the chance to do, and how I can make up for that now since I shouldn't be dwelling on it anymore. It really brought down my spirits. Maybe this is why I like taking walks with other people more than alone.

Molly if you have someone that likes you, and you have a date to homecoming with a completely different person, then you should have no reason to doubt that you could have a date to winter formal, or prom, if you allow yourself to. Don't think you're not a wonderful person, because you are. You deserve to be happy, let yourself be.

[Insert bitter laughter here] I should probably be taking my own advice, I have a bad habit of telling people the advice that I need to hear.. But I guess, unless I'm saying the wrong thing, then it's good enough that someone hears it..

Blessed be.

I went to Julia's bat mitzvah party last night, it was fun enough. I called Heath and convinced him to go, so Molly and I had someone to talk to. (Thanks for coming Heath! Nice tie ^^ ) I loved the dress I wore, I want to find one like it.. (It was Molly's dress) There were these mini cheesecake things and a bar, so I was pretty satisfied. We ended up spending alot of time out on the square, until a cop showed up and told us that "the square's closed after 10" ..how do you close the square? Anyway, then we went and stood on the corner by the party and Sergio decided to come over and ask us how much we cost.. ("..Since you're all dressed up and standing there") Luckily Tegan decided to speak up and tell him "Sergio, no." ..to which he replied, "Damn! How does everyone know me?" Sergio. You live on the square.

Anywho, we gave Heath and Tegan a ride home, stopped by Molly's house, then came here and watched castle in the sky. It was late, Mole fell asleep during it and I almost tipped over too, but I loved the movie.

When life gives you candles. ~#~

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