

Starlight puzzle 

I love the stars. Did you know that? I do. Nighttime, stars, the moon, being outside, the cold, candles, and... chocolate! But, right now, stars the most.

So! The last post is from molly.. I don't feel like deleting it.. but I'll post again to cover it up.. <.< >.>;; Not much worth talking about that I feel I can put up here, though.

I'm an idiot, which I made obvious to myself last night.

I made recalls for othello.

Play practice started again.

I might clean my room again soon.

I failed myself in art today.

I have new taffy. (I lufs you mole!)

I'm too happy for words and I'm bubbling inside, and it's lasting.

Will I see your face in moonlight or will you turn away..? ~#~
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