

We turn to dust 

Well now! I'm forcing myself to clean my room, so I figured now is as good a time as ever to start my procrastinating. Molly's going over to spend the night at Alia's because SHE DOESN'T HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW. Grrrrrrr. Now I have no one to talk to... *sob*

If I were invisible.. oh wait, I already am.

Today was pretty nice. I found KC this morning, and we wandered around trying to find a place for her to tap dance. We finally just went into Hosbond and did it there. School was crap, but tomorrow I have tests.. I guess tomorrow'll be worse.. But tomorrow's friday, so who knows. Then after school I found her again, and we stood by my locker for like.. 30 minutes.. and then we came here (woo) and ate.. food. ..and looked at things to remember if you become an evil overlord. Then I walked with her back to the school, and now I'm here. Joy.

Teach me how to love..

Exit with a long trailing pizzaz. ~#~
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