

Your words keep me alive 

Wow, today was great and tonight was horrible. Thanks to everyone I talked to tonight.. It may not seem it, but it helped. Break's almost over.. Seems like I have a ton of homework, not sure if I really do or not. I'll hope not. Went for a walk today.. I'm directionally impaired, but I loved those woods. I'm going back, soon. The sunset was gorgeous, also. And the stars.. need to do more sky watching.. Hope you all had a great break. ^^ ..yeah, not over yet, but I'm not planning on posting again tomorrow. HAVE A GOOD BREAK, DAMNIT!

Close your eyes to the feeling. ~#~


Happy day in the life of me 

SNOW!!!! Oh it's wonderful! it better snow a lot more than this! grwwwl.... *happy dance* I must go inform my family who've been awake for hours! wheee!

And on the wings of time they soared.~#~


..I'd be your rock 

Tonight, tonight... I am awake tonight. I slept 14 hours today! <.< >.>; Yeah, well.. I was sick today, but other than the sick thing and the not snowing, it was a really good day. I just sat around, which was about all I could do, and played amplitude. And ate pie. I think pie is good for me.

Everywhere you look.

I had a really good weekend. It was pretty full, even though i didn't get to everything I wanted.. didn't get to see mikado, but I have tickets for the final night, so that works out.

Friday night Molly called me and said that we weren't going to the mikado on saturday.. Instead I had her come over here, that night, and we made a speed trip to rent the nightmare before christmas. Great times, except Gavin's friends being there, and gavin being X-rated. At least we didn't miss the end of the pokemon movie like we did last time.. *chuckles*

Saturday Molly's mom picked her up (and woke us up) around 9:30. Around that same time my mom decided we were going to all go to Gavin's haircut at 10:30 so we could meet my dad up in iowa city for lunch. This meant getting up, and I think my "waking up" time happened while we were at the hair place.. I think I scared the hair ladies away, they kept giving me freaky looks.. Then we had a painful ride up to iowa city (painful because my dearest brother is an asshole) and had lunch. Then my dad and I, and Gavin, went to matrix! woo! It was nice to see it in a good theater, but it was almost empty and I missed the "packed with fans" feel of opening night. Then I got to go christmas shopping, which meant pointing at expensive things (like a video camera) and saying "I want THAT for christmas!" ..and I got new pants. I love my new pants. YAY FOR NEW PANTS!! ..Anywho, we came back to town and Molly brought me to a party. It was almost empty when I got there, and I was kind of ignored alot, but when that wasn't happening it was really fun. I like flavor burst icecream, and I like being barefoot in the freezing rain. I also like wandering to the coffee house while we should still have been at the party. Then, around 10:30, the party ended and my dad was going to pick us up. He didn't exactly get there on time, one of the two birthday people had even left before he got there.. but Molly's now officially 3 Another Iowan for Clean Waters. Finding Molly's mom's house is hard.

Sunday.. I slept till noon, then I ate lunch. I actually cleaned my room, and it's lasted. After I cleaned I played amplitude with my dad (it's his new favorite game) and my brother, and then Gregory came over. He had to go around 5:30 so that my family, and the rest of the fucking town, could go to a (joy!) free buffet dinner at regina's. I hardly got any food, but at least I saw a few people.. (Yeah, at least you said hi at all Heath.. thanks?) Reggie's doing pretty well, too. I wonder how she'll make enough time for the baby, and will she and Luke get divorced? (ooOOoo, almost like Wednesdays at Bill's... it's: All Margo's Children!) Then I got sick. Not like a stomach sickness, I couldn't stand up without blacking out and tipping over.. So I stayed home today. Yeeep..

They say you're a dreamer, do they know your colors?

I've been having really peculiar dreams lately.. There was one on friday about being in school on a strange schedule day and wandering into french where some girl was talking to me about how she knew me - because I was "Mrs. Julia Jones" and I kept correcting her and saying I was "Mrs. Kelsey Ross Jones".... It was really strange. Then I had two dreams I've had before. They usually freak me out.. Saturday night I had this dream about a race. It's usually like some training course, up a really steep mountain, that is also a school staircase, that leads to the thing we have to bring back.. all the while we’re in some freaky golf cart thing that has all of these levers and a joystick and a couple pedals you use to drive it.. When my partner nabbed us one I was the one that had to drive, and it started out going the wrong way.. It was almost impossible to turn around.. Once I finally did, we were going to start up the stairs/mountain but some people were already coming down. For some reason they hadn't gotten "the goods" so they turned around and started back up.. My partner wouldn't help me push, and the engine wasn't working while we were going up, so the thing turned into a bicycle with a car around it that you had to run like flintstones cars at the same time.. then it all faded out. heh. yeah. Last night I dreamt about this place: It's always like some small town grocery store, and my brother and I are always sneaking around in it.. The stuff that changes is what we're looking for, where the strange toilet that's also a portal into a swirling disney "thing" is located in the store, and how he gets knocked into it. That's about all I can say on that one. o.o;

It's getting late, and I'm not planning on missing school tomorrow.. (Molly's meeting me after school! Wheee!) so I'm off now.

Walking on the ceiling. ~#~


Can't shake the feeling 

This has been an.. interesting week. I haven't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep each night (for all of my "going to bed at 11" crap), I've eaten very lightly, little bits fill me up, but im not hungry.. actually, I ate lunch today and felt sick afterwards. I've gotten both better and worse emotionally, gotten better at bowling, felt cared about, felt completely ignored, realized that I don't want to have to close myself off anymore.. that I want to share my heart, danced in the woods, jumped into a stream and froze my ass off, smiled at the world, cried my heart out into the wind, and ate chocolate. Tomorrow I get to take the plan test. Happy happy joy joy! That means I should have gone to bed when I said I was going to! Oh well, candlelights out and sleep time, I suppose. I'll connect with the world later..

When little lantern-stick men snuff out the stars. ~#~


You win 

Thank you so much.. for everything. Thank you.

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