

Can't shake the feeling 

This has been an.. interesting week. I haven't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep each night (for all of my "going to bed at 11" crap), I've eaten very lightly, little bits fill me up, but im not hungry.. actually, I ate lunch today and felt sick afterwards. I've gotten both better and worse emotionally, gotten better at bowling, felt cared about, felt completely ignored, realized that I don't want to have to close myself off anymore.. that I want to share my heart, danced in the woods, jumped into a stream and froze my ass off, smiled at the world, cried my heart out into the wind, and ate chocolate. Tomorrow I get to take the plan test. Happy happy joy joy! That means I should have gone to bed when I said I was going to! Oh well, candlelights out and sleep time, I suppose. I'll connect with the world later..

When little lantern-stick men snuff out the stars. ~#~
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