

There are places I remember all my life, though some have changed.. some forever not for better, some have gone and some remain.. 

Why can the simplest things cause the most bliss, and cause the most heart wrenching pain? And I'm no good at showing the ones who give me happiness how much they mean to me, or the ones who cause hurt that something is wrong.. I'm horrid at being direct about things.. and as soon as something affects me deeply, or has the possibility of doing such, I put up a barricade. I've been trying to stop the walls forming, I think I'm getting better with the happy side.. If anyone notices I'm putting up barriers, please try to stop me..

Excuse me while I kiss the sky.

I've been thinking about putting some of my real feelings up here, and I realized how many people it would affect if I did. It's horrible. I see now that I'll never do that. Maybe I'll have a second blog for that stuff.. Hmm.

In my life I love you more. ~#~
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