

this is beautiful 

Why :( ..giving me the flu that my whole family had a week after them? Why now.. and apparently it's slipped my mother's mind that the flu exists, and that she's not the only one who could get it.. she seems to think I'm faking this, which is great. I was just talking with katie yesterday about how much I hate being sick. I hate missing school, when there actually is school, because I procrastinate one hell of alot with my backwork. I'll do the homework for that day, and the homework the next day, and suddenly my two days to make up the work will be gone. I also hate being home alone with no one to talk to and nothing to do. I can't stand laying around all day when I could be at school with people I like, laughing at our education system and writing in strange languages.. no, not french.

Should I be happy because now I won't have to worry about being sick for state? Probably, I wouldn't get sick again so quickly.. but still.. this sucks. And it's so weirdly sudden! I'm used to feeling like crap at least a day before I'm sick, but I was perfect yesterday! Yesterday was awesome. The snow was perfect packing snow, and it wasn't very cold out.. I had a great day, and last night I was out running around with kia in it. Throwing snowballs for my dog is great ^^ she tries so hard to chase them, but once they land she can't find them. I do the same thing with walnuts in the fall.. I'm so horrible *cackle*

This may seem like rambling with nothing to say.. well, yeah. It is. I'm trying to distract myself, so I might blog a few more times today. ooOOoo more than once in a day! That hasn't happened in so long! And I finally updated my links! I'm so pleased with me *purrs*

Woah. I just realized, a bit late, that I had the phone laying on my chest. A bit late meaning ot rang and scared me half to death. If I was fatter I -would- be dead. When you don't breathe you can see your chest bumping with your heartbeat.. well, I can. Can other people? Hmmm.. I'm really hot, but my foot just touched my leg and my body is freezing. Darn. Now I'll have to find some blankets..

Maybe I'll spend the day watching anime.. I got some good stuff that I haven't gotten around to watching yet.. If only anime didn't cost so much! I wanted to buy everything in suncoast, but I couldn't even get one thing.. Molly and I went to a comic store up in iowa city and they had a shelf-wall thing full of new anime on vhs. I think I can deal with watching things on video, especially when they're 3 for nine dollars. booyah. I don't even remember where I bought X.. was it target? maybe..

I'll get back to this in an hour or so.. ~#~
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