

unbridled wonder, of love and escape - help 

BOOYAH! we win. how much do we win? six performing, two non performing. that's how much. Im so happy for everyone! I loved all of our performances, and im so happy that so many are going on to allstate ^^ All that could have made this day better would be happiness for the people that didn't make it, or who aren't performing, and maybe my mom not being such a bitch-or her working later.. *laughs* Overall it was the best day I've had since... state ^^ I've been having such good days lately! Even doing absolutely nothing on sunday didn't get me very aggravated *happy spin*

Having p.e. 5th hour opposite a studyhall is making my days seem so much shorter! I can't decide what to take next year.. well, actually, I basically -have- decided; but that's not the point >.> I think there's one other semester class I can sign up for.. should I take grammar? Im not very good with it.. I probably should, and I suppose I won't want to take it senior year -.- I think Im going to sign up for:

brit lit
advanced speech
french 3
B tag
horticulture (yes. horticulture.)

Im not sure if I want another class. I really dislike studyhalls, for some reason.. but I need them badly because of my not doing much homework at -home- and all.. that's why Im beginning to like 5th hour studyhall. There was nothing to put across from p.e. and I wanted every day tag.. I would still want every day tag.. hmm.. ponderings..

All night long, all day, the doors of dark Hades stand open. But to retrace the path, to come up to the sweet air of heaven, that is labor indeed.

Life is a great thing. Sometimes I forget that, sometimes I can't believe that, but hopefully I always have some way to come back to that realization. I love you all ^^ yes, even you.

The creator of dust and nightfall. ~#~
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