

woah baby 

slugs are the coolest. like.. the black ones that think they look like mushrooms when they scrunch up? and the green ones with spots? and the banana ones? yeah. coolest. you realize these things once you can't feel your legs and your shoulders burn like the burn of a thousand painful sharp objects. i met a tree, it's name is Jara. not really my choice, but a fitting name none the less. i also met the fern of my dreams ^^ his name is Fredrick, and he's a gorgeous hunk of fern. alpine lakes are cold, but the huckleberries, goats, and bears make it all worth it. if you want the 4500 foot ascent, that is. i wish others could have had the experience this trip gave me, but other things will lend themselves to you all, i suppose. MARMOTS OF DOOM will come to destroy you all :( run away before it's too late! oh no! my leg! GAGH!

i'll be back in a few days, hope to see you all!
but not at the same time
well, maybe
i don't know

i've been writing, i like it, it's fun, even if it's not worth looking at. i think i'll keep it up. i hope i will, since i have this oh so busy life going for me ^^;

ah.. here's the word to describe.. stuff :


oh so very

Slugs are icky. Ewww.

Bears rule! ROAR!
shoes are such strange things.. no use other than keeping feet away from snow *shakes her head* ..and slugs are the bomb!
If by "the bomb" you mean "totally not the bomb," then i can agree with you.
i suppose you won't agree to disagree? because that's most definitely not what i meant.
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