

We turn to dust 

Well now! I'm forcing myself to clean my room, so I figured now is as good a time as ever to start my procrastinating. Molly's going over to spend the night at Alia's because SHE DOESN'T HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW. Grrrrrrr. Now I have no one to talk to... *sob*

If I were invisible.. oh wait, I already am.

Today was pretty nice. I found KC this morning, and we wandered around trying to find a place for her to tap dance. We finally just went into Hosbond and did it there. School was crap, but tomorrow I have tests.. I guess tomorrow'll be worse.. But tomorrow's friday, so who knows. Then after school I found her again, and we stood by my locker for like.. 30 minutes.. and then we came here (woo) and ate.. food. ..and looked at things to remember if you become an evil overlord. Then I walked with her back to the school, and now I'm here. Joy.

Teach me how to love..

Exit with a long trailing pizzaz. ~#~


Starlight puzzle 

I love the stars. Did you know that? I do. Nighttime, stars, the moon, being outside, the cold, candles, and... chocolate! But, right now, stars the most.

So! The last post is from molly.. I don't feel like deleting it.. but I'll post again to cover it up.. <.< >.>;; Not much worth talking about that I feel I can put up here, though.

I'm an idiot, which I made obvious to myself last night.

I made recalls for othello.

Play practice started again.

I might clean my room again soon.

I failed myself in art today.

I have new taffy. (I lufs you mole!)

I'm too happy for words and I'm bubbling inside, and it's lasting.

Will I see your face in moonlight or will you turn away..? ~#~


Hi I'm dum. 

My name is Kelsey and I take off to Wisconsin and leave Molly with nothing to do except wallow in her own sorrows. DAMN THIS! DAMN YOU HAGGIS!!

That's right.

Ph34r the haggis.

Ph34r 7|-|3 5Ku1d. P|-|33R 7|-|3 M013

~the ~#~'s pet mole


Tally Wisconsin (??) 

...and I'm off! *WOOSH*


Not a pillow 

Will there ever be a chance? Just a small one.. All I need.. A push in that direction wouldn't hurt either.. If it turned out well it would be wonderful, either way it'd be a risk taken..

Vibrant, bright, clear, jewel, love, pure, moon, color, flame, forever, golden, reflect, light, trust, soft, night, true, rain, brilliant, gorgeous, remember, wind, form, destroy.

Did the play come together? It's good enough for the audience, and I'm guessing it's as good as it will be. *shrugs* I need to buy new shoes for it >.< the ones I have now got a hole in in the toe.. But my wig got better! Scissors are good times; so are swords. And pirate hats. Yes.

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

Speech starts tomorrow. I'll probably be scared out of my mind when I'm there, but I didn't do it last year so I don't know what to think. Geeze.. I don't even remember what I signed up for..

You're the best you ever, most of the time. ~#~


Evil Moles 

Molly's blog is discontinued because she doesn't want people commenting on her thoughts and telling her that her opinion is wrong. She just got into my blog and wrote me an evil note, so if you hear anything from her I'm guessing it'll be through MY blog. Grrr. Pretty good day today, taffy... Mmmmm taffy. But.. the play opens saturday, and we're not exactly ready. We need work.

Who's driving? ~#~


Braided Pain 

ooo! a pun! damn it all!

....Actually, damn Molly! DAAAAAMMMNNN!!! She has a ticket to the white stripes and i don't! must.. gangbeat.. so unfair..

And the little piggy went "Groin groin!" ~#~


Cheese on a stick 

..in Hosbond's pants with scantily-clad prostitutes

Wow, I really enjoy art walks. Last night was good times. Lots of caffiene + lots of sugar + lots of stolen cheese + more than lots of apply goodness + swishy skirt + art walk = me last night ...you do the math ^.~ Sexeh! Caramels and sword fighting! Go Ella! And I saw Mary! Woot! ..but i lost my poke.. aww.. Oh, and I hear we won the football game. joy. <.< And -some- of my last night's high-on-apple is lasting into today! Happy happy happy.. I'll have to find something to do today, lest I be stuck working on the roof again.

Born to handjive, baby.

I have this poster over my bed, right? Well, actually, I have 3-5 posters over my bed.. But I have this Weis poster over my bed. I really want to see Weis. I have the poster to remind me about it, and because I needed another poster to add to the 11 I was buying... >.>;; Who cares if it's in german? Spanish soaps are in spanish, and that doesn't stop me from watching and laughing at them. How is it being in german that much different than all the shows in japanese? I also want to see RG Veda, alot. This is all reminding me of getting lost in the SF chinatown and driving by this anime store like.. 6 times.. and I kept saying "Anime store! Must go in!" ..but it took until we'd found our way out of chinatown that my dad finally connected the words in his head and asked if there had been an anime store. Gar.

My stars will never set, spread my wings and leave this place.

I have a sezzy dress now! Yay! The best I can do describing it would be: blue, with red. Good job, hm? I found that out when.. CAMI CALLED(!!) yesterday. Her homecoming is tonight, I hope she has a good time.. Lucky pig going to her lucky pig school of the arts. I suppose I should take a shower and clean my room.. How does it get up to the knees this fast? I just cleaned it.. didn't I? *grumble* Hyper hyper hyper.....

The court of the stone totoros. ~#~

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