

A day worthy of pie 

I had a perdy good day today! (including last night.) Last night we (Molly and I) were at Evan's house with some other people for a "sit-around-playing-games" thing. I kind of sat there during most ..scratch that.. ALL of it. It was fun listening to them talking though >.>; Molly was on the computer across the room for most of it, and she was having eye troubles.. We played amplitude, and then Xenogears. (w00t to the amplitude ^^)

If you actually want to hear about it, Molly wrote about it in her journal. The names are kind of easy to figure out, if you think on it, so don't let it bother you. ^^ She did go a little overboard on the sex thing. (poke to you mole)

I can't go on without you.

Well we had to leave there at 11, then we came back here and sat around eating mexican food until around 1, when Molly went to sleep and I left the room to watch cheesy spanish sitcoms. Got up around 9, way to early for me. Then we watched Alice in Wonderland! *happy* (Disney movies are even better once you understand more of the jokes in them. *g*) ..And we made pie! (mmm, le tarte.)

Not a can of nut.

I have all these things I say and think that I should write down before someone else uses it. But I never get around to it until it's too late and people end up thinking I'm using someone else's quote, which I rarely do. For some reason that bothers me..

I'm kind of bored right now.. If anyone would like to do something this weekend then let me know? I'll try to get people to do something, but if I miss asking you then.. yeah.

It could be right there, if you're going there. But if you're not going there, it could be anywhere.~#~

Oh go take your rocks and grow a plant in them 

"Well done, Mr. Miggyshuft. I must say I didn't think you had it in you. You can have all your things back... as long as you get into some sort of better job that doesn't involve swindling anyone."

"Ok." he was thinking of selling garlic. "Thank you."

"You may leave."

He left, and then fell down the front steps. As soon as he got up, unfortunately, he was randomly hit by a flying knife being aimed at someone behind him. It was a total misunderstanding and I'm sure
Albert would understand and forgive the assassin in question. If he was alive, that is.


It is said that once a three sided circle with four corners is found, that thousands of geometrists will get great headaches due to the confusion...

But that's not all!

It's also said that this amazing device will bring peace to the galaxy, well, all of the galaxy except the planet Trop. It'll be destroyed. Poor things, the Troppians.


There once was a guy, and his name was Trent Loofasparklehatmarlinapplesauseinthetrousersfredrictonhappyhourhandgun.

...If you haven't read the individual work at DSOS you really should. Really.

My hair is not made of blue cheese. ~#~


The play 

So I'm happy with my parts, but I'm not happy with some of the casting job. I'm a handmaiden/siren and a titanic survivor. I don't think Scott did that great a job with where he put some other people.. But I'm not going to say who/where. I hope I'm wrong, and it turns out great.. But with what he's doing to the thing in the first place, I'm not so sure..


Out of the milky twilight 

I have two fucking friends. That's it. That makes me feel great. Sure I have other friends that I'll hang out with sometimes, but I have two really good friends. I don't understand why one is jealous of the other. She had a bunch of people who'll invite her places, people she hangs out with, and she knows I don't have that much. Yet when I have one friend other than her that I'll spend alot of time with she doesn't like it.. Crap I'm confused..

Before you know it I'll be gone.

I wish I still had a forest behind my house.. I could just go back and sit by this little stream thing and just be there. Now my room has to be that place to me and it's just not the same. I want a place to hide. When I feel like this I NEED a place to hide. Or someone to talk to. ..But since I don't have that..

Shaken by sorrows of the world.

I'm having mixed feelings about alot of people lately. It's kind of screwing with my life; I don't know what to think. It's not all bad, but I'm probably wrong about most of it and I don't like the other side of my thoughts..

A shoulder to cry on. ~#~

Feel the loss 

So I'm sitting here, thinking about things. Here are a few things I thought about.

"If I knew how to use a sword one of my goals in life would be complete."

"I wish I had an orange soda right now."

"I'll get grounded if I don't clean my room soon."

"Where can I find a space for my X wallscroll?"

....And then it dawns on me.

"CRAPPER! Where did I put my ornamental grass!?" (Yes, in case anyone read that post, my grass DID get 4 inches tall. At one point.) ...So I go looking all over in my room and I finally look under my bed, who knows why I even thought to look there, and there's my grass. It was still kind of alive, too. Kind of.

Every single piece of grass was about a centimeter tall, and yellow. *sniff* The grass I'd watched grow from just a seed, gone, forever. I'll never watch you run, hair blowing in the wind, free, again. Sure, I'll have other plants.. Like that cactus I'm trying to get to sprout.. But it'll never hold the same "special" quality as my first freaky little ornamental grass thing that was left on my doorstep in a box holding a card that read, "Soak in water for 24 hours, then plant." No, they will never have your magic.

"Normal" what is normal; the usual condition, amount, level, etc.

On another note, I'm not sure what to do for tag. I can't write a story, so I thought I'd design something. But what? *ponders*

"Eros" the Greek god of love

Still don't know what I'm going to be in the Odyssey. The least I can say about it is that Scott's making it... interesting. Had a dream about the play last night, it was something resembling three main people doing some dance routine in tight, shiny clothes; while a few other random people in hats and colorful hair chucked paint at us. Right'o. As it turns out, the neon wigs really look like the hair of the people that were doing the chucking.

Not for children under two years of age. ~#~


Help me with something 

A couple things, actually.

1. So there's the whole "comments by squawkbox.tv - comments" thing, right? Can anyone tell me how to take the first part away? Detail if possible, I'm an idiot about html at the moment.

I am better than thou art now, and I am a fool. Thou art nothing. (Just reading this, not my mood.)

2. Number two was something important. It really was. ...But now I can't think of it. Maybe I'm tired..

My rise to power will be topped only by my fall from it.~#~


By golly! 

I'm going to do it, I'll make myself try out for the play. *nervous glance* That's as far as I'll go on that one..

In other news: I finally got all of the posters up without using my ceiling! Woot! Jenn made this spiff picture showing off our greatness... http://www.ppss.silversorcerer.com/art/rival.jpg (Go there! Go now!) And Bill's finally back from vacation so I get to start art classes again tomorrow! I had a comic going and I was thinking of putting it up on a site I'm making, not sure I will anymore.

To thrill with all the sweets of life is living.

I think I'm going to turn out my lights and light all of my candles.. It's strange what the light of a candle will do to me. (No, I don't turn into a monster. ^^;;) I want to have a room devoted to my candle obsession when I'm rich. Because I'll be rich and I can. It's almost like the stars.. Just go and sit in the middle, hope you don't catch on fire, and watch the little flames blinking at you.. (My mood? Reflective.)

To the icecream truck, away! ~#~


And the world turns. 

WOOOOOT! *breaks into song* .....Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell.... Heath likes Molly and Heath likes Molly and Heath likes Molly and Heath *pant pant* Heath likes Molly and Heath likes Molly and Heath likes Molly and Heath! So now Molly can believe me after... three years of denial.
^^; Yeeeap. That song just about sums it up.

If only, if only.

Anywho, I'm trying to get myself "off" con food. (aka: the food in the consuite.) And I think I'll probably go into post-pocky withdrawal in a couple days once i run out. I'm also running out of cheesypoofs. (GAH!) I need more sleep than I've been getting, and the amount of caffeine I drank during the weekend is catching up to me.

BUT: The whole thing was still greatness. I've yet to have my life catch up with me. AND IT'S RAINING! *rain-induced happy dance* I think I'll paint my toenails pink just for the occasion. ^^ Whee!

Digging my potato.

There's gotta be more to life than this.

I love the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, one of the many things I got over the con. (Have to start over in the money department.) I got a couple wallscrolls, eight pins, a Fushigi Yuugi movie, twelve posters, pocky (!!), marble (chocolate), gaming dice, and a... TOTORO!!!! Hoo boy.. I think this nail polish is messing with me... *dizzy*

The quiet screams, but I refuse to listen. ~#~


Good for the soul. 

I really should get out to cons more often. AI was kawaii. (Well I though it was, except the ugly parts. ^^;) Maybe not as good as bigger cons, but it was just what I needed. I came back home this afternoon and I feel like I’m in a daze; like I’ll wake up tomorrow, jump into my costume, and run over to the con to mix with the other "it’s a good kind of obsessed" obsessed con-goers. I’ve decided that I need to get to Otakon, Ubercon, Comicon, San Diego Comicon, and Dragon*Con before I start college.

It’s nice to know there’s somewhere you can feel completely at ease in a room of strangers while you’re taking a picture of some Vash in boxers with "Glomp me, I’m Naked" written on his chest. ..Er, maybe I still felt strange about that one. Actually, there were lots of people that were Vash. *evil grin* There was one Vash that had a sign on that read, "Glomp the hot Vash!" …Strangely enough, people went around calling him "Hot Vash" after that. Then there were two I like to call "That Other Vash", and two girls that were Vash. <.<; There was also… CARD CAPTOR WILL! Booyah.

I’d give up everything just to find you.

Molly and I met a "new friend" while we were there, his name is Dean. We met him while we were waiting for Jenny to get picked up. (*cry*) Dean doesn’t even really know what anime is, but he’s nice. Dean had a couple friends that dragged him there, I’m not sure they knew about anime either, though. His friends said that dean "likes" us. Right’o.

He doesn’t give a damn about me. (I think it could be time for me to explain that these little one-liners don't have anything to do with the other stuff I'm talking about at the time. They're just little quotes that reflect how I feel.)

...Aaaand, here's a little pile of info that I don’t feel like going into detail about: The DDR party rocked my socks, the consuite was god, amv’s were koot, cosplay was great, improv could’ve been better but mole got to be in it so what the hell, there are no words to explain being in the dealers room again (even WITH the line), and the fact that there were no Auron’s made the whole thing complete. Starting to plan for next year soon.

Ducktape flavored pocky! (P-2 D-17) ~#~


They say copying is the greatest form of flattery. 

Well Rachel and Keith and Mary are over right now, Mary brought her laptop and she's playing some game or another. Jenny's dyeing her hair red for AI nextdoor, right now, and she'll come over and scare us in a while. I still don't have a costume, but I DO have homework. I think I'll be people from comics. Actually, I'll be someone. I'll figure it out. If you go to AI and see me then you should guess who I am! Woot ^^ Such a strange time in my life right now.. Like molly said, "I'm good at masking my emotions."

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

I think I might be remembering how to do french. Maybe. Or rachel is remembering... <.< >.>; I got to wear my 1up shirt today, which made my day better. And I have quite a few people I know in my p.e. class. School is too hot, so I hope they're right that it'll start cooling down in a couple days.

Why are you reading a piece of peanut brittle? ~#~


Damn that "beaver" of yours. 

You know things aren't going well when you go on a walk with your best friend and a couple people, you have a fine time, have fun and all, and then she gets home and won't talk to you. Why? Isn't that great.. now I have no one to talk to and it's kind of hard to find out what she's feeling if she WON'T talk to you.. *crumples*

She and I went on a walk with a couple guys and she seemed to have had fun. We just wandered around at the park and talked about stuff.. mostly like we do when it's just the two of us.. I didn't think anything was wrong.. Well isn't that just improving my emotions? Yeah.

Every time I blink my world disappears.

Oh yeah. School started today, too. Jenn walked me to school and we sat around trying to stay awake, watching the new principle marching around with a walkie-talkie and reprimanding people on the dress code.

Then my day began. The heat was killer, in a bad way. Then class started and basically every period was the same. We went over the rules, and "what we would cover in class", and then they'd say, "Now, before it gets too late I'll start on.. WHOOPS! The class is over!" Except french, she gave out homework. Damn her.

That's not something to hear with your ears, hear it with your soul.

I think I'll write stories in tag, since I can't do that in english anymore.. -.-# What to write about.. Maybe I'll write a thing on how I'm going to kick something soon. I could take up pages upon pages with a rant like that.

Yo mama's a juggling scarf. ~#~


"It'll be better someday" doesn't help in the now.. 

~Do you know who's that guy who's all alone, do you care enough to see he's in pain and misery~

Weird how you can basically feel normal for part of one day and then suddenly take a turn for the worse.. If you're going to have a terrible day you should be able to know it when you wake up in the morning, not find it out around five at night. I guess it's been building up for me, but I really don't want to be depressed like this tomorrow for school. (School is NOT one of my reasons for sadness. Don't you go thinking it is.)

You can see the shadows wandering off somewhere, they won't make it home but they really don't care.

Music usually helps me forget what's going on in my life, just lets me be in an empty void. Where some would turn to drugs, I turn to music. ..But today it's not helping. I'm in a void, but it's a void of feelings.

Everything good in my life, if you have to take it all away.. take it slow.

In other news I finally got around to planting my grass a couple days ago and it's about three inches tall now. I get to start hacking at it with scissors in another inch. I got mini scissors just for the occasion! ..Well, technically, they came with it.. But, hey. I also went and played a few different games with a group of people tonight. It was great. Really, I started this post before I left for that and I feel a little better now. But I think I killed a couple people while I was there. AND! I'm actually ready for school. Not ready as in feeling like school can start and I'll be happy, but ready as in I have my stuff.

Do you care to see. ~#~

There goes my summer. 

Well summer's basically over for me today. I'm really trying hard to drag it out until tonight, but no one seems to wish to hang out with me and Jenn. Maybe we'll go do something "interesting" like trying to find the paths in the woods at the park or going up to the roller rink. I doubt it.

Small things like that mean alot to me, as it's taken me a long time to find out. I'm not sure why I didn't get that before, I should have, everyone starts treasuring the small things at some point.. I think I realized it when I was camping with molly. One night we went out into the "tent camping" area, the one without power and were lying in this little sand playground area watching the sky. I kept thinking about how huge the sky was and how I could see the seeming curve of the sky, even though we were surrounded by trees. It brought two things up in me: the need to watch the stars with everyone I ever care about, and the childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.

Anywho, if anyone that knows me reads this and would like to do something with us then that'd be great. If it's not today, we can work that out too. Please? We can have fun.. Or be bored in a group.. *sneef*

And they bowed their heads in wonder and cried Bring forth the boxing nun! ~#~


Some kind of freaky, caught in Hyper-Mode. 

My brother has friends over tonight as a last thing before school starts. His little friends always end up coming over here. (Joy. -.-#) Actually, they aren't even his "little" friends anymore, they're just about ALL taller than me. I don't know how long it'll take me to get used to that one.

No digging holes you english pig dog!

So I'm just about ready for school to start. I haven't gotten any school stuff... But I'll manage. What I really need to think about is how I'll finish my costume in time for AI and how Jenn'll get back before 3 AM on saturday... Anyone leaving AI two days early and heading for Fairfield? Right'o. I can't figure out how my hair'll work for AI.. I would kind of have to bleach it but I'm not going to do that. Anyone know how to do hair in a french twist? Maybe I'll attack it with a curler..

I've been trying to teach myself html today, and it's been going pretty badly.. I was really lucky that I'd copied the stuff beforehand because I basically ruined everything I was working on. I believe I figured out a couple minor things, things that I'll never remember.

When your pants are rockin' the gonge. ~#~

There's a certain kind of look.. 

That kind of look you get when you're rollerblading along in the street pushing an empty stroller. I got that look alot this morning and I wasn't even the one with the stroller. It's not like I could have NOT NOTICED if there had been a baby in there and it had fallen out, but it seems that was what people were trying to tell me. That shows the faith Fairfield people have in others.

I found out today that when my neighbor shaves his head his hair is the color W. Little kids are the best, unless you're trying to get them to take a nap. Jade rocks my socks. (I'm over at her house right now with Jenn, playing Rhapsody and Amplitude. Both interesting games, just so you know.) Jade's aunt is telling her that if she wanders around her room instead of sleeping then leprechauns will eat her feet and the kids at her daycare will go around calling her stumpy. What a nice aunt. ^^

Last night I went on a long walk; it was nice besides it being so hot. I love wandering around at night because if you meet people then they're usually interesting. When I was wandering around town last night a car full of people drove by me and screamed "Woo Kelsey! It's Kelsey!! Hey Kelsey!" at me. I have no clue who they were, and it's happened to me a few times now. Normally I would scream back at them something in the vicinity of, "Who the fuck are you people and what do you want from me?!" But I had to be nicer than that, seeing as there are people trying to sleep when it's midnight. >.>;

I've decided I'll stop staying up until three in the morning, seeing as that's when I usually have my "depressed" and "hyper" mood swings that I could really do without. Now, since I've decided that.. I can most likely be contacted every day until 3 AM on the computer, being moody and/or hyper. At least until school starts. Possibly after.

Their name was mervin, they were a showgirl. ~#~

I'll be starting over I guess. 

You know how it feels when you're so overcome by emotion that it hurts? When it's like you heart has decided to stop beating so it can grow to a painful size just to spite you? Like, say, when someone you care about lets you know they don't, and probably never will, feel the same way about you. Or when someone brings back feelings you thought you'd moved past. Gar, I feel like shit right now.. -.-

I feel like shit.. That's a really human thing to say. I'm such a human.. I mean, come on, how do we know shit feels terrible? Shit could be happy for all we know, but we just have to go and say that shit feels bad. If i went around and said, I feel like grass!? no one would give a damn because for all they know I'm happy. I hate humans and all their human-like presumptions.

Feeling like grass right now. ~#~

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i tripple choholate pocky